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What is technology in Simple definition? Learn Now

 In this blog we will discuss the various modern techniques available in this modern world, we will also understand the definition of technology in a very easy way. What do you think when you hear of the term "technology", what could be the strategic meaning behind it. In this blog, you will come across various types of technology for example mechanical, electronic, industrial and manufacturing, medical, Information technology, etc.

You might have already seen the rocket, airplanes, ships, AI robots, drones, cell phones, computers, etc, These are all products of technology. Life without technology and with technology has its own advantages and disadvantages as well.

Mobile phones, for example, can be used in many useful ways from communication purposes to money-making.

What is technology?

Technology is nothing but the application of the scientific method to our day-to-day life activities to improve the living standards of the people by shortening the maximum execution time. Nowadays, we see technology embedded in agriculture practice for example drone water spraying mechanisms, robotics, artificial intelligence simulation, Cryptocurrency, and more.

Technology is everywhere from railway lines to telephone lines. But the use of the right technology at right time helps improve human livelihoods year after year. Since ancient times the Mongols, Ming dynasty, Nongda Lairen Pakhangba, etc, The people have been developing ways of living from fire charcoal to gas stove burners.

The discovery of airplanes, jets, and cryptocurrency is all because of technological advancement. With the use of such technology, people are also experiencing the quality of life in modern days. In the future, there are lots to be invented and for this, we have to keep learning every day and apply it to our daily lives.

There are some areas where you can find easily the practices of the technology and some of the examples are as follows

What are the examples of Technology?

  • The agriculture sector and biotechnology
  • Energy and power transmission system
  • Construction 
  • Transportation
  • Communication
  • Invention and innovation
  • Computers
  • Software application
  • Audio and visual technology
  • 3D printing machine.
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Entertainment technology

Why is technology important for?

The technology are important in our daily lives from paying bills, water storage, agriculture, transportation, communication etc. It shortens time for human comfort. Without the use of technology , it would be very difficult for us to get connected so fast at ans instant time. Now in every household we see computers, laptops, smart phones, washing machines, cars, etc, which are all own by technologies.

Not only this the recent chandrayan 3 , where indian man, including scinetis from manipur who worjk at ISRO also launch the chandrayan 3 to study the geographicala nd physiologuical structures of the moon, is also an example.

Why it is important to know technpology is that to keep you sound updated of of wats happenign and guide you to the right direction anytime anywhere.

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